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Q: Why the path that a ship sailing from Hawaii to the East Coast of the US was likely to take why?
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Describe the path that a ship sailing from hawaii to the east coast of the us is likely to take?

A ship sailing from Hawaii to the East Coast of the United States is likely to use the Panama Canal. Once through the Canal the ship will head to the East Coast.

What is the sailing route from Hawaii to California?

east north east

Ship sailing from Hawaii to the East Coast of the US was likely to take?

The path was to head towards Panama, Go through the canal, and from there head towards the east coast. Because you wouldn't want to go north and around Alaska and Canada, and you don't want to go south around South America, and last you don't want to go all around the world to get to the Atlantic When you are in the Pacific.

In what year did an engineering innovation reduce the sailing distance between the East Coast and the West Coast?

The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad in 1869 greatly reduced the sailing distance between the East Coast and the West Coast of the United States. This engineering innovation connected the two coasts by rail, transforming transportation and trade in the country.

How would a canal affect ships sailing from the West coast to the East coast of the US?

Not sure it would as the need is fulfilled via rail.

Which large island nation might a traveler come across while sailing along the east cost of afirca?

Madagascar is off the south eastern coast and Zanzibar is off the east coast

Would a volcanic eruption be likely to occur on the east coast of the US?

I do not believe there is any volcanoes on the east coast

Is Madagascar is Hawaii?

Nope. Madagascar is an island on the east coast of Africa. Hawaii is a group of 8 islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of the United States.

Are there manatees in Hawaii?

No, manatees are found on the East Coast only. Their native habitat is Florida.

Can you surf on the East Coast?

Yes you can but the only really decent waves come when there is a storm/hurricane on the way. East coast is noting compared to west coast or hawaii or Australia

Which large island nation might a traveler come across while sailing along the east coast of africa?


What path would a ship from Hawaii take to the east coast of the US?

Through the Panama Canal