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it comes from the old nordic word styrbord, "styr" means to control and "bord" means side of the ship...

the rudders on the vikings boats were always fastened on the right side of the ship...

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Q: Why is the starboard on the right side of a ship when facing the bow?
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When facing forward on a ship starboard is always facing what side?

right side of the ship

What does 'starboard' mean?

Starboard is the right side of a ship or aircraft when one is facing forward.

If you were standing on a ship facing forward is what is left and right?

left side is port and right side is starboard

Where is the starboard side of the ship?

The right hand side when you standing onit and facing the bow (the pointy end) "Starboard" is the right hand side. Port is the left hand side. One way to remember this is that both 'port' and 'left' have 4 letters. its the right side of a ship the direction to the right of somebody facing the front of a ship or aircraft Starboard referred to a very visible and prominent feature of the boat, when looking forward, toward the bow of a ship. starboard refers to the right sides.

Toward the left side of a ship?

...Is "aport": On a ship, while facing forward, the left side of the ship is called "port" and the right side of the ship is called "starboard".

What is the starboard part of the ship?

As you stand on a ship and face the prow, the left hand side is called Port and the right hand side is called Starboard.

What side of a boat is a starboard side?

Facing towards the bow, starboard is on the right.

What is starboard side of an airplane?

facing to the front, starboard side is on the right

What is starboard and port?

starboard is the right of a boat. port is either where large ships are docked or the left of a boat. the way i remember it is port= 4 letters, left= 4 letters.

What is the left side of a ship called why not use left and right?

Define left side of a ship? Left and right are the sides of the human body and you relate it to the body. The problem is that left and right change depending on which way you are facing. If you are facing the front of the ship the port side is to your left and the starboard side is on your right. By using port and starboard, you are avoiding confusion when talking to other people.

When facing the front of a boat where is the starboard side?

When onboard and facing the front of a boat, the starboard side is on the right side.

When facing the front of the boat Where is the starboard side?

When onboard and facing the front of a boat, the starboard side is on the right side.