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Modern day sailing is recreational, and harnessing the power of the wind to accelerate and direct a craft in almost any direction can be stimulating and enjoyable (unless you are in Jaws 2, then it is not so much fun).

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Q: Why is Sailing fun?
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Related questions

Is sailing fun?

Sailing is a lot of fun :) you should try it!

Can sailing be a noun?

Yes, if it is the gerund form ("Sailing is fun.") But is can also be used in the continuous forms of the verb "to sail."

Can you help me with decode design Title A Song For Sail?

The answer is: We love the wind, we love the sun, sailing a boat, is yachts of fun

What is a fun word that starts with the letter s?

skiing, swimming, sailing

What yachts do you recommend for solo sailing?

Sunfish, Sabot, and Hobie-cats! -They are ALL SO fun!

Is an adjective a gerund?

No, adjectives are not gerunds and gerunds are not adjectives. A gerund (verbal noun) is a form of a verb used as a noun. An example is the present participle "sailing" in the sentence "Sailing is fun."

How do you Reach Max EXP for buy runescape 2007 gold Sailing Training?

PvP Optional & Solo Available to Reach Max EXP for buy runescape 2007 gold Sailing Training PvP is entirely optional to train sailing in Old School PvP will purely be for fun and for additional rewards, details at: RSorder

What did christopher Columbus believe that other people made fun of him?

because they thought he was too young to sail and that his way of sailing was different from theirs

How many bags can you have on a carnival cruise ship?

They recommend you only bring one. They load the bags on the ship for you so you can enjoy the fun of sailing.

How did Henry Hudson get interested in sailing?

while helping his dad load ships with supplies he thought it would be fun

What is parrell sailing?

Do you mean "Para-sailing" or "Parallel sailing"?

What is cross sailing?

Cross sailing is sailing towards the wind.