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The country of Greece is surrounded on three sides by the Mediterranean Sea, and also has many major and minor islands within its borders. Due to this, the Greeks have always needed to use the sea for much of their transportation and food gathering.

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Foster Schroeder

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Q: Why have the Greeks always spent a lot of sailing on the seas?
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Why have the Greeks always spent a lot of time sailing on the seas?

The country of Greece is surrounded on three sides by the Mediterranean Sea, and also has many major and minor islands within its borders. Due to this, the Greeks have always needed to use the sea for much of their transportation and food gathering.

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Sailing on the Seven Seas was created in 1991.

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Pirate were sailing the seven seas for treasure to steal from merchants, they weren't sailing around randomly they were tracking and hunting ships on trade routes to steal there treasure, and when they weren't doing that they were hiding and trading the treasure that they stole.

How did the seas in fluence the ancient Greeks?


Why did ancient Greeks become greatly interested in sailing and trade?

they became intrested because they had poor soil so they could not grow food (much) so they started to trade and the only way to trade was to go by seas

How were seas important to the Greeks?

Seas were a source of trade and food - also a great advantage to travel.

Where did Greeks live?

The ancient Greeks lived in cities (poleis) along the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

What transportation did the Greeks use for the ocean and the seas?

They used unicorns.

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