Lack of information and a deep-seated fear of the unknown led to reports of 'the Kraaken', for instance -later believed to simply be... the Giant Squid.
Scylla and Charybdis.
A monster that sings glorious music that lures sailors to their doom is a Siren.
Yes, or nymphs if you prefer, it was mostly that their nature was to kill sailors purposefully.
Yes, or nymphs if you prefer, it was mostly that their nature was to kill sailors purposefully.
The Sirens were not goddesses, but monsters. Incredibly dangerous monsters. They had the ability to lure sailors with the alluring sound of their singing and voices. The men would shipwreck on the rocky coastline and be stranded. In some stories the sailors would jump overboard to swim to the Sirens.
Ghosts are real if you believe in them. Monsters are not real.
yes if you believe then anything is famous!
Well,I can't believe to say this but,gila monsters do not migrate
Sailors were afraid they would fall off the Earth That sea monsters would attack them That the sea water was boiling hot Falling overboard Suffering from scurvy Dying from starvation
Because of all the dangers of sailing: scurvy, 'sea monsters' , storms, getting lost at sea and the early people- sailing off the face of the earth. These were all dangers they thought they would face on these voyages.
Yes there is.