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Because he wanted to own Australia

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Q: Why did captain Cook sail to Australia?
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Where did captain cook sail to west east south or north?

Captain cook sailed to the west side of australia fhk

How many pirates sail ed with Captain Cook to Australia?

twenty peiple sailed with him.

Where did captain James Cook sail?


Who did Captain cook sail for?

the royal socaity

Did any of Captain Cook's children or wife sail with him?


Who created the first sail boat?

Captain Cook

When did Captain James Cook leave England on the First Fleet?

Captain James Cook did not travel on the First Fleet, which was a fleet transporting convicts to Australia in 1788. He set sail from England in 1768 on an expeditionary voyage, making his first landfall in Botany Bay, Australia in 1770.

Which country did Cook sail for?

Captain James Cook served in the British Royal Navy.

Who was the first European to sail around NZ?

Captain Cook

Why did Captain cook choose to stay in Western Australia?

Captain Cook never went anywhere near Western Australia.

Was Captain Cook the first governor of Australia?

No. Captain James Cook died nine years before Australia was colonised.

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