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Magellan sailed because he wanted to find a western trade route to Asia.

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Q: Why did Ferdinad Magellan sail?
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Who sailed around the world?

Ferdinad Magellan

Who sailed around world?

Ferdinad Magellan

Where did ferdinad Magallean sail?

to your moms house

Who discovered the true size of the Pacific Ocean?

ferdinad magellan

Was Ferdinad Magellan a great Navigator?

No he kept raping in free time

What explorer died on the first voyage around the world?

I beileve that it was Ferdinad Magellan

Was Ferdinad Magellan succcessful?

no he was not successful do not try to let the socialstudies book plus the internet and the encyclopedia down

Where did Magellan sail to?

Magellan traveled all around the world

What did Magellan sail for?

Magellan sailed to prove that the world was round

What ship did Ferdinand Magellan sail in?

Magellan sailed in the Trindad.

What did Ferdinand Magellan sail from?

Fernando Magellan set sail from Portugal his home country when he went on his expeditionary voyages.

Where did Magellan sail?

He was sailing for Spain, and he was the very first man to sail around the world! Go Ferinand Magellan