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Q: Who was the oldest man to sail around the world?
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Who is the first man to sail around the world?


Who was the first man to sail round world?

Magellan was the first person to sail all the way around the world!

Who was second man to sail around the world?

vasco DA gama

Where did Magellan sail?

He was sailing for Spain, and he was the very first man to sail around the world! Go Ferinand Magellan

Was Sir Francis Drake the first man to sail around the world?


What is Ferdinand Magellan best known for?

First man to sail around the world. He was killed in the Philippines, but his ship and crew made it home.

Who was the first man to sail around the world in a ship?

Ferdinand Magellan is credited with that feat.

Who was the First man to be given credit for sailing around the world?

Magellan s voyage was the first to sail around the world, though he did not complete the voyage.

What was the significance of drakes voyage around the world?

He was the first English man to circumnavigate (sail around the whole world), he looted Spanish settlements in S.America.

Who helped defeat the Spanish armada and was the second man to sail around the world?

Sir Francis Drake

How old was the world's oldest man?

The oldest man in the world who ever lived died at 152 years 9 months

Where did Prince Henry start his voyage?

no. Magellan was in 1492. u can remember this by " Magellan sailed the ocean blue in 1492" That should be Columbus not Magellan. Magellan did not sail until 1519. Furthermore Columbus only crossed the Atlantic. Francis Drake was the second person to lead an expedition in circumnavigating the world.