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Q: Who was the first person to go around the world in a ship?
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Who was the first person to go around the world?

Magellan, but he died in the Philippines. His ship finished the trip.

Who ship was the first to go around the world?


Whose ship sailed around the world first?

Ferdinand Magellan's ship made it, but he did not.

First ship to make a voyage around the world?

It was the Victoria

Ferdinand Magellan is famous for being the first person to the globe?

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What is Ferdinand Magellan best known for?

First man to sail around the world. He was killed in the Philippines, but his ship and crew made it home.

Who was the first man to sail around the world in a ship?

Ferdinand Magellan is credited with that feat.

What was significant about the Magellane expedition?

In 1522 the last ship of the voyage of Magellan arrived back in Spain, they were the first to sail around the world.

Who was the first English captian to sail around the world?

Magellan was the first to have ships circumvent the world. He was killed in the Philippines so his ship went on without him.

What is a cruise ship tourist?

A cruise ship tourist is a person who tours you around a cruise ship.

What was the name of the ship of the first oceanographic epedition to circumnavigate the world?

The first oceanographic expedition to circumnavigate the world was aboard the HMS Challenger. Led by Captain George Nares, the expedition took place from 1872 to 1876 and greatly expanded our knowledge of the world's oceans.