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polynesians,definitely.or the Phoenicians

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Q: Who is the best sailor in the world?
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Who is sailor Jupiter's best friend?

In the manga Rini appears to be the closest to Sailor Mars.

The sailor who discovered the new world?

Christopher Columbus is considered to be the sailor who discovered the New World.

When was ISAF World Sailor of the Year Awards created?

ISAF World Sailor of the Year Awards was created in 1994.

Who is the youngest girl sailor in the world?

if u mean sailor scout then its chibi chibi

What was Sailor Jerry best known for?

Sailor Jerry is best known as a tattoo artist who is famous for tattooing sailors, which is also how he got his nickname "Sailor Jerry". Ed Hardy and Mike Malone learned from him.

Is there a virtual sailor world?

I for one do not know. I know there is a sailor maker. I don't know anything about there being a virtual world. Sorry.

Where can you get sailor moon season 3?

Your best way to get it would be or there is a Sailor Moon fansite named Castle in the Sky Sailor Moon homepage but that is hooked up to amazon SO your best way is WWW.AMAZON.COM

What is the character Sailor Mars best known for?

Sailor Mars, a character from the popular television series, Sailor Moon, is best known for her ability to command fire. She can access valuable information regarding her enemies from fire.

Which society was known as the best sailor's?


What sailor's name for the edge of the world?

The Abyss .

Which word best describes the old sailor in The Wreck of the Hesperus?

The word that best describes the old sailor in "The Wreck of the Hesperus" is experienced. He is portrayed as a seasoned sailor who has faced many challenges at sea, which ultimately contributes to his tragic fate in the story.

Who is the best sailor in the FL Keys?

chris sanborn