

Who first sailed?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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12y ago

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The egyptians.

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Q: Who first sailed?
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How did the first fleet get there?

It sailed there

How did George Washington sailed the sea?

First your grammar is incorrect but he sailed very carefully

Who was the first person to drive the Mayflower?

A ship is not "driven" it is sailed and the captain of the Mayflower would have sailed her.

Who was the first European the to sailed around the world?

Fernidad Magellan.He sailed from maybe Spain of Portugal.

How old was francisco coronado when he first sailed?

He was 10 years old when he sailed first. His father took him sailing to Germany to visit his grandfather.

Where did the pilgrims first sail to?

They sailed to Plymouth.

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What was the first streamship to cross the Atlantic?

The first streamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean was the S.S Savannah, it sailed from Savannah to Liverpool, England. It sailed in 1819.

When was the year Columbus sailed his first voyage?

In 1492.

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Christopher Columbus

Who was King when the first fleet sailed?

George III

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