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An anchor light.

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Q: Which navigation light should never be used by a sailboat under sail at night?
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Which navigation light should never be used by a sailboat operating under sail at night?

anchor light

Which navigation light should never be used by a sail boat underway at night?

The anchor light at the top of the mast should not be used by a sailboat underway at night. Frequently it is left on when leaving an anchorage along with the steaming and navigation lights.

Which navigation light should never be used by a sail boat operating under sail at night?

An anchor light should never be used while moving.

How did trade affect Eurpean navigation?

no never

When is a sailboat under sail the give-way vessel?

A sailboat under sail should never give way to a motor boat. However, if it comes up against another sail boat: 1. Overtaking boats must give way 2. Those on Starboard tack have right of way 3. The boat that is closest to the wind (or on the windward side) should give way

Can a navigation rule be over looked?

It is a rule - so never

When can a navigation rule be over look?

It is a rule - so never

Can an airplane be navigated?

Of course, without navigation it will never get to its destination.

When can navigation rule be over looked?

It is a rule - so never

Is a beacon a light house?

Lighthouses are beacons, but not all beacons are lighthouses. "Some definitions are not controversial. An aid to navigation is a structure placed on or near navigable water to provide visual guidance to mariners.A beacon is an aid to navigation that is fixed in place (that is, not floating). A lighted beacon or light beacon is a beacon displaying a light, while an unlit beacon is called a day beacon.Often, a lighted beacon is simply called a light." Not all day beacons are lighthouses, because beacons can be unlit. Lighthouses can be decommissioned, but if they were never lit, they were never real lighthouses.

When can a boating navigation rule be over looked?

It is a rule - so never

How much does a sun powered sailboat cost?

what is a sun powered sailboat? sailboats use the wind to move! some boats have electrical systems that need electricity so they will buy solar panels as an eco friendly, convenient way to power their onboard systems, but I've never heard of a solar powered sailboat. if it used a solar powered motor, it wouldn't be a sailboat, (i mean, it would, but it wouldn't sail, it would motor)