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Q: Which kind of energy is used in sailing ships?
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Were steam ships used before sailing ships?

First were sailing ships, THEN steam ships.

Where steam ships used before sailing ships?


What kind of energy was used to propel Christopher Columbus ships?

that was the kinetic energy?

What were convoys used used for?

Convoys were used to destroy any U-boats that were in their way.

What sailing ships did trade winds use?

Trade winds were typically used by sailing ships such as the clipper ships, galleons, and merchant vessels. These ships relied on the steady and predictable trade winds to facilitate their voyages across oceans by harnessing the power of the wind to propel them forward.

What do you call the winds that old sailing ships used?

You may be referring to the "trade winds".

What kind of naval force did Carthage have that helped make it a powerful city-state?

It had sailing galleys which were used to escort and protect its trading ships and trading stations in the Western Mediterranean.

What is source of energy used by sailing?

Wind of course

How were sailing ships used to transport cotton to the North?

they put cotton in a boat and brought it the the north

What Ships Did Hernando De Soto Use?

The ships he used were mostly large sailing ships from France, and Caravels. Three of them were called the Esperanza, San Christoval, and Miguel.

What kind of ship did Sebastian Cabot use?

Sebastian Cabot first sailed to America in 1497, in the company of his father. He sailed to America a second time in 1508 with two English ships. On this voyage, he discovered the mouth of Hudson Bay. All ships he used were 3-mast sailing ships.

What are buoys used for when sailing?

When sailing the ocean blue, buoys are an invaluable tool. They assist in navigation by directing ships into shipping channels and away from shoals or crowds.