When crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a ten meter sailboat, I found that the safest place to sleep was on the deck. But that was after rogue waves tossed me out of my bunk a few times. Some boats are equipped with hammocks, but they will bump you against the bulkhead in the night (or whenever you are trying to catch forty winks).
In a space ship
where does a captain sleep on the ship
They just slept under the ship together.
he liked to sleep around on the ship with men and then he would eat other people so that he wouldnt starve.
Because if people would want to sleep in a room or something they could sleep there if they want or if they would want to eat fancy food they could just eat there
in bunks, or where ever there was room
A berth.
on a bed *tie your self on it*
Pirates sleep in the ship's sleeping quarters on hamocks.