

When did Eric the red sail?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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13y ago

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In the year 982.

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Q: When did Eric the red sail?
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Related questions

Where did Eric the red want to sail to?

He wanted to sail to Greenland, which he did.

Where did Eric the Red sail from?


Who did Eric the red sail for?

he was euopean

When did Eric the Red sail to Greenland?

982 Greenland

What did Eric the red sail for?

None. He sailed for himself.

What year did Eric the red sail?

The year 982.

What route did Eric the red sail?

From Iceland west to Greenland.

Eric the Red from what country did the explorer sail?

He sailed from Iceland.

What country did Eric the red sail for?

None. He sailed for himself.

What plan did Eric the Red make to find Greenland?

Sail northwest from Iceland.

Where did Eric the red sail to?

Erik "The Red" Thorvaldson sailed form Iceland to Greenland and established the first European Settlement in North America

Why did Erik the Red want to sail?

After hearing of the discovery by Gunnbjorn Olfsson of some islands that lay west of Iceland, Eric decided to sail to these islands during his banishment.