The aftermost sail in a multi-masted boat is typically the mizzen, but in some rigs can be called the spanker as well.
bow bilge stern deck mast sails keel rigging hull bulkhead
Hull, mast, sail, lines, anchor, lights, keel, galley
The hull of a boat is the body of the boat. it is the part of the boat in the water. excluding the mast, boom, sail, rudder, keel, etc.
Between the mast and the boom. On ships with one mast, itt is located directly between port and starboard, and more towards the bow than the stern.
No it is not.
The keel of the boat is made of lead and weighs 600 lbs. Even though customers can make me feel upset sometimes, I try to keep an even keel when dealing with them. That boat will not be able to sail in such shallow water because of its large keel. Sailboats with a mast of any appreciable size need a keel to remain stable. I am so tired, I feel like I could keel over at any moment.
31.25 ' stem to stern by 160 ' keel to tip of mast, it was small, fast and deadly! The perfect pirate ship! Check the wooden models they are excellent references and very precise!
Viking longships, starting in the 700s AD, had a mast with a sail. To make a boat with a sail stable, a keel is needed to counteract the tipping forces the wind places on the sail. Prior to the sail being added, longships did not require or have keels.
A lapper sail is a head sail (jib) that overlaps the mast.
A sail-robber? No, it's a MAST!
That's the stern. The keel is under water, and the starboard side is the right-hand side when you are facing forward on the water craft.