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Those boats were Dhows.

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Q: What were wooden boats powered by triangular sails called In African empire?
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Was there an African empire?

Yes, there was an African Empire. In fact, there were lots of African Empires all over the country. There was the Western African Empire and many other African Empires.

What is the motto of Central African Empire?

The motto of Central African Empire is ''.

When was Central African Empire created?

Central African Empire was created in 1976.

When did Central African Empire end?

Central African Empire ended in 1979.

What was the earliest African empire?

The Egyptian empire

What is Central African Empire's motto?

Central African Empire's motto is 'Unité, Dignité, Travail'.

What African empire discovered philosophy?

No African empire "Discovered" philosophy. Philosophy is abstract thought and study.

What african empire was founded by Mansa Musa?

The Mali Empire

What was the last Great West African Empire?

Songhai Empire

Which African kingdom developed in the African savannas?

songhai's Empire

Which African kingdoms developed in the African savanna's?

songhai's Empire