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Q: What was the name of the winning yacht at the 1995 Americas cup?
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What was the name of the first non-American yacht to win the Americas Cup?

The yacht Australia II won the Americas Cup in September, 1983.

What was ben lexcens yacht name in Americas cup?

Australia II

Name the 1995 Galway minor winning football team?

Galway lost the final in 1995

What is name of Howard Sterns yacht?

he doesn't have a yacht

What is the real name of the yacht in the film the cat's meow?

Not sure of the name of the yacht but I do happen to know that it is a European-based yacht as the yacht- portions of the filiming were filmed in Greece as the vessel was restricted to EU waters.

Who owns the yacht lucky me?

There are too many yachts with this name to list here. The yacht club to which this yacht belongs, or the marina where it is moored will list the name of its owner.

What was the Name of yacht used in film the long Good Friday?

The name on the yacht is the "Rina Jersey" I would be interested to know if anyone has further info re this yacht.

What was the name of Grover Cleveland's yacht?

Gover Cleveland's yacht is named...Oneida

What was the name of the yacht?


How do you say yacht in french?

French say "yacht" because the name originated from the Dutch. A yacht race, in French is "course de yachts".

What was the name of the winning yacht at the 1988 Americas Cup?

It was rather convoluted, but according to Wikipedia, "Due to unrestricted rules in 1988, Conner enlisted the help of designers Chance & Hubbart & MacLane, and aircraft manufacturer Scaled Composites, to fabricate a revolutionary catamaran, Stars and Stripes (US-1), which dominated over KZ1, the challenger from New Zealand. The New Zealand team sued and won the America's Cup trophy in a court case; however, on appeal, the San Diego Yacht Club won it back."

What is the name of a yacht station?

A marina.