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sail boat has the right of way and same applies to all other boats larger than yours

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Q: What should a motorboat do when it is approaching a sail boat?
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What should a motorboat operator do when approaching a sail boat?

He would give way if boat is under sail but go by regular motorboat rules if he is under power.

What should a motorboat operator do when approaching a sailing vessel head-on?

Do everything possible to avoid it. The motorboat operator would give way if boat is under sail but go by regular motorboat rules if he is under power.

What should you do if you are operating a motorboat that is being over taken by a sail boat?

You should take action to avoid a collision.

What should a motorboat do when approaching a sailing vessel head on?

Power should give way to sail, if a collision is imminent or you are ever unsure on what to do always turn to starboard (right).

When a sailboat is approaching a powerboat which one is the give way vessel?

A power boat cannot stop or turn as fast, especially a vessel larger than the sail boat . The sail boat should give way to the power boat.

What is the action required when a power boat is approaching a sail boat head on?

the motor boat usually gives the sailboat the right of way

What is the action required when a power boat is approaching a sail boat head-on?

the power driven ship should give-way, and it must only do so by turning starboard... in good seamanship the sailing vessel should also turn starboard, but are not required to by law.

A sailboat under sail encounters a motorboat Both boats are underway When would the sailboat be the give-way vessel?

If the motorboat was hindered in its ability to maneuver, such as a tug pulling a boat or pushing a barge, or if the motorboat was adrift or signaling distress. Understanding the rules of underway and give-way are important parts of maritime safety.

What should you do when your boat capsizes?

hopefully, youre talking about a sail boat. get on the centerboard and the boat should flip over.

Where can I buy sail boat sails?

Fx Sails offers quality and affordable sail boat sails. You can find them at: In your town, there should be marinas near where you launch your boat that will offer sail repair.

When a sail boat is approaching a powerboat which one is the give-way vessel?

The powerboat. The vessel that has the greatest ability to get out of the way of the other one has the duty to do that.

What do you do when your boat capsizes?

hopefully, youre talking about a sail boat. get on the centerboard and the boat should flip over.