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Eighteen survivors of Ferdinand Magellan's final voyage under the command of Juan Sebastian Elcano returned to Spain on September 8, 1522, completing the first human circumnavigation of the known world in the Spanish Carrack, "Victoria".

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Q: What ship was the first to sail around the world?
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What is Ferdinand Magellan best known for?

First man to sail around the world. He was killed in the Philippines, but his ship and crew made it home.

What was significant about the Magellane expedition?

In 1522 the last ship of the voyage of Magellan arrived back in Spain, they were the first to sail around the world.

Who was the first man to sail around the world in a ship?

Ferdinand Magellan is credited with that feat.

Where did Magellan sail and why?

Ferdinand Magellan's ship was the first to sail around the world. he sailed for Spain. Ferdinand did not survive the voyage.

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In 1522 the last ship of the voyage of Magellan arrived back in Spain, they were the first to sail around the world.

What significant about Magellan expedition?

In 1522 the last ship of the voyage of Magellan arrived back in Spain, they were the first to sail around the world.

What was significant about Magellan expedition?

In 1522 the last ship of the voyage of Magellan arrived back in Spain, they were the first to sail around the world.

What was the first ship to sail?

the first ship is fery ship

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