Power lines
The best place to look for a used sailing dinghy would be through your local sailing club. Dinghies may also be advertised in specialist sailing magazines or in local papers.
Information dissemination of the local officials about hazards
If you want the racing Rules of Sailing, you may want to read an Official Rule Book for your area.If you are looking for recreational sailing rules, or Right of Way rules, you may want to check with your local authorities, perhaps beginning with your local harbormaster.
A person can easily find or locate a sailing school. A person can try to find one locally if they live near the coastline. If there are no local sailing schools, then a person can look for national sailing schools. Some national sailing schools include Off Shore Sailing and Black Rock Sailing School.
Did not check for local hazards prior to launching
The Sailing Holiday website is an obvious choice, but you can find sailing vacation packages anywhere. Check with your local vacation or holiday package creator to see if they have good packages for you!
A topographical chart.
A topographical chart.
Your friendly local public library. I like to start in the reference section.
Did not check for local hazards prior to launching
This substance is called histamine.