A main longitudinal structure along the bottom of the sailboat called the keel.
This is what prevents it from tipping over.
There is no indication that "the Earth is tipping over"
Yes, there is such as thing as sheep tipping. The difference with sheep is that it is more like rolling them onto their backs that it is tipping them over.
You're probably trying to make this question much more difficult than it actually is. The base is simply the bottom part that keeps it from tipping over.
The sailboat appears to be sinking due to the weight of the water it has taken on, possibly from a leak in the hull or other damage that has compromised its buoyancy. The water entering the boat is causing it to become increasingly heavy and unstable, eventually leading to it tipping below the waterline.
The act of tipping over cups.
The Most expensive sailboat costs over 126 dollars
when u tip crap over
In racing situations, the general rule is the sailboat on a starboard tack has the right of way. In navigational situations, generally the larger sailboat has right of way, however these rules may vary by country.
nail it?
== There are too many variables to give a short answer, but generally speaking... a sailboat has the right of way over a powered recreational vessel when the sailboat is operating under the sail's power only. In other words, even if the sail is up, if the sailboat's engine is running and the propeller is engaged, it is considered a powered vessel.