If you're talking in terms of weather, then warm would be the opposite.
The opposite of a thunderstorm would be calm weather, such as clear skies and no precipitation.
The opposite of sunny (weather) could be either cloudy, or rainy, or both. The opposite of sunny (disposition) could also be gloomy.
The opposite of a tornado would be calm weather with clear skies and no strong winds.
The opposite of a stormy day would be a calm and peaceful day with clear skies and mild weather.
No, fair weather generally refers to calm, pleasant weather conditions with clear skies, mild temperatures, and little to no precipitation. It is the opposite of violent weather conditions such as storms, hurricanes, or tornadoes.
The opposite of a heatwave would be a cold spell or a cold wave, which refers to a prolonged period of unusually cold weather.
Weather conditions do not have to be harsh to be adverse, they just have to be different than what they are at the present town. Adverse in a sense means opposite of.
Yes, an anticyclone is a high-pressure weather system associated with calm, clear weather. Anticyclones spin in the opposite direction of cyclones.
The opposite terms are down and within. The idiom "up and about" (recuperated) would have the opposites "under the weather" or bedridden, and any subsequent occurrence would be a "relapse."
The pair of idioms that have opposite meanings are "blessing in disguise" and "wolf in sheep's clothing." "Blessing in disguise" refers to a situation that initially seems bad but turns out to be good, while "wolf in sheep's clothing" refers to someone who appears harmless but is actually dangerous. These idioms convey contrasting ideas of unexpected benefits versus hidden dangers.
low latitude climate