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Q: What is the name of the type of boats sailing the Nile River?
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What name is the worlds largest river?

Nile River

How did the Nile River Valley get it name?

The Nile River Valley got its name from the Nile River, which flows through the region. The ancient Egyptians called the river "H'pī" or "Iteru," meaning "great river" or "river." Over time, this name evolved into "Nile."

What is the name of the goddess of the nile river?

The name of Egyptian's goddess of river Nile is Anuket.

What was sailing on the Nile River like in ancient Egypt?

Sailing on the Nile River in Egypt had boats made of papyrus bundles (common marsh plants along the sides of the Nile). Someone by the name of Herodotus was the first travel writer in ancient Egypt in about the fifth century BC Although, the water deep in the sea was unusually shallow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Ancient Egyptians had wooden boats/barges with sails to travel on the river nile and out into the red sea. One of these barges (a funerary barge called the Khufu ship) was buried at the foot of the pyramids at Giza and has therefore come down to modern times. It measures 43.6 m (143 ft) long and 5.9 m (19.5 ft) wide and the striking thing about this boat is the size of the planks used to make it, we simply do not have trees that big in our modern world anymore. They do not get long enough to grow that big.

What is a name of a delta?

Nile River and Amazon River

Were does the Nile River get its name?

The Nile gets its name from the Greek word "Nelios", meaning River Valley.

What type of boats did the Egyptians use to cross the Nile?

They used there boats to get across the Red sea and the Metterianian sea and Mesopotamian sea lots because if they din't there were a lot of crocodilies so who would ever go without a boat would either get whipped out over strong currents or be attacked by the crocodiles

Did the Queen Victoria name the river Nile in her honor?

No, she did not name the Nile.

What was the name of a river in Egypt?

The Nile River.

Where did the Nile River get its name?

The Nile gets its name from the Greek word "Nelios", meaning River Valley.

What is the name of the marshy flatlands is found at the mouth of the Nile?

The Nile River Delta.

What is another name for the Nile triangle?

The Nile River Delta.