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Of Thor Heyerdahl's epic story of, the Kon-Tiki's historic trip!

It started from Peru, you see, with a total crew of six-

And when crashed ashore in Raroria, there was not much left but sticks.

(***More intact than not, actually, but I digress...)

The crew all became mighty sailing men, the skipper brave! and he knew!

They could cross the Pacific to Poly-nes-i-a if they'd depart right from Peru...

It took a hundred days plus one, but all the crew was safe-

They made radio contact just in time, to stop a massive rescue attempt!

If you can visit Oslo, Norway, you'd get the chance to see him-

For the raft now rests calmly ashore, in his own Kon-Tiki Museum.

(My sincerest apologies to Sherwood Schwartz, the writer of the The Ballad of Gilligan's Isle, whose lyrical talents far exceed mine, for the above poetic attempt.)

Read about the Kon-Tiki and see the movie: I did!

***Navigator and Artist Erik Hesselberg

and Technical Engineer and Data Recorder Herman Watzinger

do not as yet have Wikipedia articles: The rest of the crew does, seen below.

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Q: What is the name of the balsa raft that sailed from Peru to Tahiti?
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