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Q: What is the meaning of the riven mast had gone by the board?
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What are the results of bringing a lady on board as a pirate?

death hanging on the mast being tied to the mast and shot being thrown over board

What is meant by before the mast?

Before the mast refers to a sailors so called rank or his standing on board, primarlily during the age of sail. Read " Two Years Before The Mast" by Richard Dana. Only the more senior sailors were 'allowed' aft the mast.

What equiment is used in windsurfing?

Boom Mast Sail Mast extension mast foot universal joint (uj) board fin daggerboard (optional) harness and harness lines (optional) and also various ropes including uphaul

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to the breasts?

Mammolary or mast... or just breast ...Mammarythoracic

The third mast on a vessel called?

Fore-mast: the first mast, or the mast fore of the main-mast.Main-mast: the tallest mast, usually located near the center of the ship.Mizzen-mast: the third mast, or the mast immediately aft of the main-mast.(information from wikipedia)

What is 'mast kalandar' in English?

Mast Khalandar is Urdu & Hindi as well......the literal meaning of these words is, Mast = Jovial or Joyful or one who is always happy in his ownself not caring about the rest of the world & Khalandar is just a name of a person......"Mast Khalandar" is used to define a person who cares little about sorrows or hassles in life & leads a happy & jovial life.

What is the medical term meaning without a breast?

amastia (a = without; mast = breast; ia = condition of)

What is the Mast in front of a ship?

The front mast is called the Foremast. Sometimes it is called the mizzen mast.

What is a pole in the middle of a sailboat that holds up the sail called?


How do you use the word mast in a sentence?

The ship's mast stood tall against the clear blue sky.

What is a ship's main mast?

The main mast is the tallest of all masts on the ship. If all masts are the same height, then the one with the top navigationlight is the main mast. If there is only one mast, then that would be the main mast.

What is the shorter mast on the boat?

The shorter mast ahead of the main is the foremast. The shorter mast abaft the main is the mizzen mast. On four or more masted boats -- I don't know.