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Depends on the boat and whatever you are looking for. I like 10 to 15 knot range in my 30 footer. It is 6500 lbs and have no problem reaching hull speed with these winds. By reefing you can extend your comfort for higher winds.(less heeling which tends to require more force to control tiller or wheel.)

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Q: What is the ideal weather for sail boating?
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Most boating accidents occur when the weather is calm and clear and winds are light. The main cause of boating accidents is human error.

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It can be a sign of bad weather

When boating on coastal waters is important to be aware of the tides. why?

It can be a sign of bad weather

When boating on coastal waters it is important to be aware of the tides . Why?

It can be a sign of bad weather

When boating on coastal waters why is it important to be aware of the tides?

It can be a sign of bad weather

When boating coastal waters it is important to be aware of the tides?

It can be a sign of bad weather