Scurvy is caused due to a lack of vitamin C. This was a problem for navies and ships which were out of touch with land for many months, and therefore had no access to fresh fruit or vegetables, a major source of vitamin C. The Royal Navy introduces limes to the diet of British sailors as a food supplement.
he died of scurvy sailing back to his home land
The problem of scurvy was cured by the British navy issuing a lime juice ration to crews during the time of sailing ships. Nowadays, the reason for a healthy diet on board ships is fully understood.
I think it should be scurvy? In which case, scurvy is a lack of vitamin C. It was not uncommon for sailors to suffer from scurvy on long voyages in sailing ships. The crews diet was mainly ships' biscuit, salted pork, or salted beef, and liberal amounts of grog (rum and water half and half).
Vitamin C! They Got Scurvy If They had A Lack Of Vitamin C. That is why the British sailor's were called limeys, because they would eat lots of limes to prevent scurvy.
Because of all the dangers of sailing: scurvy, 'sea monsters' , storms, getting lost at sea and the early people- sailing off the face of the earth. These were all dangers they thought they would face on these voyages.
He was sailing for the Arabs searching for the New World according to my Arabic history book I was getting taught in grad school.
Charles A. Armour has written: 'Sailing ships of the Maritimes' -- subject(s): History, Sailing ships, Shipbuilding, Shipping
Scurvy is a condition caused by lack of Vitamin C; it is not a disease.
A disease known as scurvy is caused by a vitamin c deficiency
Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C. found in cabbages and fresh citrus fruit such as lemons and limes. It was prevalent among sailors in the days of sailing ships because they did not get to eat fresh produce (containing vitamin C) for long periods of time.