The distance is about 708 air miles.
1 hour 30 min is the approximate travel time from Manila to Hong Kong.2 hours1hr 55min to 2hr 05min Hong Kong (HKG) to Manila (MNL) by a nonstop flight operated by Hong Kong Express Airways, Philippine Airlines, Cathay Pacific Airways or Dragonair.The air distance from Hong Kong, China, to Manila, Philippines, is 693 miles. That equals 1,115 kilometers or 602 nautical miles.
The preferred method of travel between the Philippines and Hong Kong is by plane which would take anywhere from 90 minutes to around 3 hours depending on the region you are traveling from in the Philippines. Travel by sea between the Philippines and Hong Kong would take around 36 hours.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 690 air miles.
Yes, from Manila to Riyadh via Philippines Airlines. Saudi Arabian Airlines also have flight from Manila to Riyadh, but they might stop in Hong Kong. However, they don't have right to transport people between Manila and Hong Kong.
The air distance from Hong Kong, China, to Cavite City, Philippines, is 693 miles. That equals 1,116 kilometers or 602 sea miles.
The key document required for a trip from Manila to Hong Kong is a valid passport.
Properly engineered time from Hong Kong to Manila is instantaneous.
The Philippines are southeast of Hong Kong.
Manila to Hong Kong: 2h 10min Hong Kong to San Francisco: 11h 15min San Francisco to Cancun: 7h 20min Total flight time: 20h 45min
The flight times varies according to the speed of the flight. If the flight is flying at a faster speed then the times may change. We are providing you with standard flight timings. The flight time for the above mentioned trip is.1 hours 50 mins