Darwin to Hobart via Melbourne by plane is about 3800 km.
The travel time between Melbourne and Tasmania on the ferry The Spirit of Tasmania is 10 hours. However, the ferry does not travel to Hobart, instead docking at Launceston, in Tasmania's north.
It depends on the city in Tasmania to which one is flying. From Melbourne to Hobart, the capital of Tasmania, flight duration is about one hour.
1663 km if u go via melbourne (you also take a ferry)
Not quite; the state of Tasmania is the island and Hobart is the capital of Tasmania. The island of Tasmania lies south of Melbourne and the state of Victoria.
About 1100 Km
About 100 km.
No. One must travel from Melbourne to Tasmania by the Spirit of Tasmania ferry, across Bass Strait, then drive from Devonport (where the ferry docks) to Hobart.
Hobart, the capital city of Tasmania, Australia, is the closest state capital city to Melbourne, Australia. Hobart is 371 miles from Melbourne.
It is about an hour's flying time from Melbourne to Hobart, and ten hours on the Spirit of Tasmania ferry.
Not unless you have an aqua car. If you have an aqua car, can I have one too? You can take your own vehicle on the ferry (Spirit of Tasmania) across the Bass Strait from Melbourne to Davenport, then drive to Hobart. The driving distance from Davenport to Hobart is approximately 280 kilometres.
Hobart, the capital city of Tasmania, Australia, is the closest state capital city to Melbourne, Australia. Hobart is 371 miles from Melbourne.