A tiller or ship's wheel, but neither will operate properlay without a keel or centerboard AND movement of water from stem to stern. River rafters, who rely on the river's current passing from stern to stem steer backwards!
Helming Or piloting.
Believe it or not... drumroll, please... it's called the ship's wheel!
The Bridge is forward and aft steering is refered to as after steering station.
It's called the rudder
The steering of a ship.
The steering wheel of a ship or boat is called the wheel, sometimes the trick wheel on ships with multiple steering systems. The propeller of the boat or ship is sometimes also called the wheel or screw.
it is simply known as the ships wheel
Ships are steered by a device called a rudder, which is operated from the helm.
It is called a ship's wheel, and along with other parts, it forms the helm.
By an electronic device called 'sonar' .
The device is called a windlass.
Generally, no. He _could_ - but the Captain of any except the smallest vessels will have a crewman designated to do the steering. He is called the "Helmsman".