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A port or starboard buoy depending on what region you are in

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Q: What is red buoy under inland rule?
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How should you pass a red buoy according to the Inland Rules?

Under the Inland Rules, red buoys should be passed on your starboard side when going upstream. They mark the left hand side (port) of the navigable channel when you are 'outbound,' and they will be on your right had side (starboard) when you are 'inbound.' (RED = RIGHT = RETURN)

How should you pass a red buoy under inland rules?

When heading downstream (away from harbor) leave the red buoys to port and the green buoys to starboard.When heading upstream (back in to harbor) it's the opposite: leave the green buoys to port and the red buoys to starboard.

What is the function of a buoy that has yellow triangles on red aids?

It aids in marking the channel. It marks the port side of the channel when coming inland from the sea.

What are the rules regarding red buoys under the Inland Rules?

They should be passed on the starboard side when going upstream.

What are the rules for red buoys under an inland?

If they are under an island they are no use at all.

what are the rules for Red buoys under inland rules?

If they are under an island they are no use at all.

What is true about buoy?

A boat should cruise between a green and red buoy. The red buoy will always be located on the right side of your boat. Red buoys will always mean , returning, red, and right. There will be a number on a red buoy that will give the chart location. The numbers will always be even.

What does a red buoy mean if you were boating?

Do not pass between the buoy and the shore

What do you do if you see a red nun buoy?

Keep the buoy on your right side

When returnig to port from seaward and you see a red buoy how should I respond?

Keep the red buoy on the right side of your boat. If the red buoy is on the left side of the boat, you're about to run aground. "Red to the Right, Returning."

When returning from home port from Seaward and you see a red buoy what should you do?

Pass the buoy so that it is to your right (red right returning).

What is true about red buoys under the Inland Rules?

Under the Inland Rules, red buoys should be passed on your starboard side when going upstream. They mark the left hand side (port) of the navigable channel when you are 'outbound,' and they will be on your right had side (starboard) when you are 'inbound.' (RED = RIGHT = RETURN)