That would be leeward, pronounced 'loo-ard'.
Sometimes crossword puzzlers are more tricky than that, not wanting an exact antonym, so 'alee' might also fit.
The opposite of lateral is medial.
The term most opposite of proximal is "distal."
hello, there is no opposite medical term of polydipsia....
The opposite term of 'rakshisu' in Kannada is 'rakshane' which means to protect or save.
The term used to mean the opposite of religious or sacred is "secular" or "profane."
Extension is the opposite of flexion.
The opposite or antonym applicable to the term channel is hold or keep.
The opposite of distributing is collecting or consolidating.
Imbalance, instability, and disequilibrium are the opposite of homeostasis.
The term opposite of nocturnal is "diurnal." (active mostly during the day).The opposite of nocturnal is diurnal.
The term is "retract." It means to move something back or withdraw it in the opposite direction.