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A small, heavy, high-cut jibsail that may or may not bind to the headstay. The idea of a storm jib is based on the tradeoff between wanting to loose sail area in really heavy weather, and not wanting to lose complete control of the boat as you would running under bare poles. The weight is obvious; to avoid blowing out. The size too -- to maintain only the barest surface area required to enhance control. It's high cut so as to not be taken out of you take a wave over the bow.

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What is a Number 3 jib?

The number three jib is the smallest of three headsails on a sailboat and it is sometimes called a storm jib, because it is the one most likely used during storm conditions. If a boat has more than three headsails, the number three sail would be smaller than number two, but may not be the smallest headsail on the boat. For example if a boat has four jibs, say a 170, a 150, a 110 and a storm jib, then the 110 would be considered the number 3 jib and the storm jib would be number 4.

What is the name of a small sail fronting the mast in very bad weather?

Storm Jib

What are the names of the 3 storm slides in typhoon lagoon in Disney world?

The Jib Jammer, the Stern Burner, and the Rudder Buster. (If you are having a race against friends there go on the Jib Jammer it's the fastest:) (: )

What on a sailboat are jib sheets?

The jib's sheet controls the angle of the jib (sail) to the wind. It is attached to the lower end of the jib that is farthest aft.

What nicknames does James Jib Brown go by?

James Jib Brown goes by Jib, and Papa.

What imaginative characters are in the TV show Jibber Jabber?

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What is a triangular sail set furthest forward on a vessel?

Depending on how it is rigged it could be the jib, Flying jib or spinnaker.The most forward sail is normally called a jib.On vessels with more than one jib, the names of the jibs (from forward to aft) are: Flying jib, Outer jib, Inner jib and Fore (topmast) staysail.

What is a ships jib sail?

The jib sail is the triangular staysail in front of the foremast. Sometimes a spinnaker replaces the jib. They are both generally referred to as "headsails".

What is Jib Crane?

Jib Crane is usually a crane used to lift midium weight materials with a hoist & its called Jib Crane because in Jib Cranes the structure on which the hoist is mounted is right angular shaped thing.

What is a two mainsail and jib?

there is no such thing as a small two-masted vessel with a mainsail and jib

How do you pronounce Ojibwe?

Ojibwe is pronounced "OH-JIB-WAY"

What is a halyard used for?

A halyard is used for hauling up a sail, such as a jib or mainsail. To haul up the jib, you would use the jib halyard...for the main, main halyard.