A turbo sail is a type of sail invented by Jacques-Yves Cousteau that uses a fixed cylinder with vents in them. It uses the pressure difference between two side of the cylinders. Here is a wikipedia link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbosail
Turbo = 1 turbo, Twin Turbo = 2 turbos
There are sail planes, sail boats, sail cars, and with a spaceship you could sail to the stars.
Buy a turbo
Sail me that Frisbee, would you? Do you sail? You sail!
Topgallant sail, also known as the gallant sail or garrant sail
In the case of engines, turbo is used as a contracted name for the turbo charger.
1983-1986 Garrett turbo 1987-1988 ihi turbo
There are several types of turbo chargers. · Single Turbo · Twin turbo · Twin Scroll turbo or Divided turbochargers · Variable Geometry turbo. · Twin charger
A three sided sail is known as a Lateen sail or also a triangular sail. With a four sided sail one is only able to sail against the wind, but with a Lateen sail it is possible to sail more directly into the wind.
Topgallant sail, also known as the gallant sail or garrant sail