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American cargo vessels at the time, known as "Yankee Cllippers", were quite fast.

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Q: What is a sailing vessel with a sleek hull and tall sails that could sail as fast as most steamships in the 1840's?
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What is a sailing vessel with a sleek hull and tail sails that could sail as fast as most sails that could sail as fast as most steamships in the 1840s?

You might be thinking about the sailing vessel known as a "clipper", a very fast sailing ship of the 19th century that had three or more masts and a square rig.

What is a sailing vessel with a sleek hull and tall sails that could sail as fast as most steamships in the 1840s?

American cargo vessels at the time, known as "Yankee Cllippers", were quite fast.

What should you do when and your vessel is being overtaken by a sailing vessel?

This is a case where the sailing vessel does not have the right of way. The overtaking vessel must stay clear of the vessel being overtaken. The best thing you could do would me to keep a steady course, or make any changes obvious so the overtaking sailboat knows what you are doing.

What is a sailing vessel?

A sailing vessel relies on the wind as its source of power. It could be called a boat, ship, bark, raft, caravel, or tall ship, submarine, or even a "floatie". However, aircraft "sail on the wind" and spacecraft "sail past the stars".

A sentence with tacking?

Tacking or coming about is a sailing maneuver by which a sailing vessel, so a sentence could be like this. "As the ship was tacking, I held onto the mast tightly to keep balance."

Is galley an adverb?

No. Galley is a noun. The modern meaning is a ship's kitchen. Previously it could refer to a large oared sailing vessel.

Where could one track a vessel?

There are many different types of sailing vessels. Most ships come equipt with GPS and other tracking devices. The US Coastguard would be the appropriate place to track a vessel.

What could the passengers on the Titanic do?

Titanic and her sister ship, Olympic, had amenities included several restaurants and bars, two libraries, a gymnasium, a Turkish bath, a heated swimming pool (the first for any sailing vessel), a squash court (the first for any sailing vessel), and five pianos - one grand and four upright.

What activities could passengers do onboard the Titanic?

Titanic and her sister ship, Olympic, had amenities included several restaurants and bars, two libraries, a gymnasium, a Turkish bath, a heated swimming pool (the first for any sailing vessel), a squash court (the first for any sailing vessel), and five pianos - one grand and four upright.

How and who did the steam boat help?

A steam engine on a ship meant that the vessel could sail against the wind. Nor would lack of a wind mean the vessel would risk becoming becalmed - a problem often faced by sailing ships.

How did steamboats improve transportation?

Although the first steamships were not faster than sailing ships, steampower meant that ships were not dependent on the wind for propulsion anymore, so this meant that ships could go, independent from wind and wind direction. Thus improving the reliability of transport over water.

Which of these is a true statementChristopher Columbus was convinced that he could reach Africa by sailing east?

Christopher Columbus was convinced that he could reach Asia by sailing west.