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A sail locker is a compartment on a vessel used to store extra lines, life jackets, wet gear etc

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Q: What is a sail locker?
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Related questions

Where is the sail locker?

Forward, in the forecastle. (Pronounced foc'sl)

Where is the Redonda sail on a ship?

We usually kept it in reserve, in the forecastle locker, with the wood stretcher.

What does yeoman of the sheets mean?

In the Royal Navy, a Petty Officer in charge of the Sail Locker.

What is the locker number that sully hides boo in in the movie Monster Inc?

Sulley hid Boo's toys in locker 193, locker 193 was George's locker.

What is the answer to the locker problem?

The answer to the locker problem is every perfect square is a locker that is open.

We sailed around Alaska in Prince William Sound... It was epic!Now we want to continue sailing in Alaska but we don't know where to sail. Do you know any good routes\places for 5-6 months YT The Adventure Locker?

You can see our adventures hereon YT as The Adventure Locker. So you will understand better what we are looking for! Thank you!

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Which locker is greg's locker on Poptropica?

the locker under the word on the banner that says "Spirit"

How do you clean organize And decorate your locker?

All right so to Clean and Organize your Locker ask How do you organize your locker, and to Decorate/personalize your locker ask How can you personalize your Locker. Both questions are answered by me.

Are there lockers in locker rooms?

no they have limosuines in locker rooms. of course they do that's why its called a locker room.

What is the birth name of Bob Locker?

Bob Locker's birth name is Robert Awtry Locker.

What is the birth name of Jake Locker?

Jake Locker's birth name is Jacob Cooper Locker.