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In navigation, there are two primary types of course lines that can be plotted, a great circle and a rhumb line. The great circle provides the shortest distance between any two points on the globe, but requires that the course (and headings) be continuously adjusted. A rhumb line results in a longer distance to travel, but allows for a constant course (or heading) to be maintained. By definition, a rhumb line (also known as a loxodrome) crosses all meridians at the same angle.

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Q: What is a rhumb line?
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When was The Rhumb Line created?

The Rhumb Line was created on 2008-08-19.

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What is it called when a circle has lines going through it?

Rhumb line.

What is the main features of the Mercator projection?

Mercator projection represents rhumb lines, which are useful for navigation. It makes the areas near the poles appear very large.

What is the main feature of the mercator projection?

Mercator projection represents rhumb lines, which are useful for navigation. It makes the areas near the poles appear very large.

What is used by navigators to plot great circle routes?

Navigators use a Mercator projection chart to plot great circle routes. This chart allows them to draw a straight line, which represents the shortest distance between two points on a curved surface such as the Earth. By following this route, ships and planes can save time and fuel compared to following a rhumb line route.

Can you unjumble these letters to make 2 words - rmmouihbpsu?

Not any that make sense. bohriums ump bohrium umps bohrium sump brushup momi rhumbs opium bumph rimous rhumb opiums

What are some 5 letter words ending in b?

acerb, ardeb, blurb, cabob, carob, celeb, chimb, climb, clomb, coomb, crumb, cubeb, demob, exurb, hijab, kabab, kabob, kebab, kebob, nabob, nawab, plumb, redub, rehab, rhomb, rhumb, sahib, scrub, shlub, shrub, slurb, squab, squib, throb, thumb, vocab, zineb37 words

What is shortest distance between two points?

If they are in the same plane then it is the length of the straight line joining them. If they are not in a plane then things get complicated. On the surface of the earth (a sphere), the shortest distance is an arc along the great circle. The great circle is a circle whose centre is the centre of the earth and which passes through the two places. This is why New York to Tokyo flights go over the Arctic region. With polyhedra, one way to find the shortest distance is to mark the two points on a net the shape. If you can draw a straight line between the points such that all of it is on the net, then that is the shortest distance. You may need to play around with different nets.

What five letter words that end with B?

five (5) letter words that end with B:blurb. carob. climb. crumb. cubeb. demob. dweeb. hijab. kabob. kebab. nabob. niqab. plumb. rhomb. rhumb. scrub. shrub. squab. squib. throb. thumb.

What are 5 letter words ending with b?

acerb, ardeb, carob, celeb, chimb, climb, clomb, coomb, crumb, demob, exurb, nawab, plumb, redub, rehab, rhomb, rhumb, sahib, scrub, shrub, slurb, squab, squib, throb, thumb, zineb

What are the pros and con's of Mercator projection?

Mercator:Mercator projection works very poorly in polar regions and becomes undefined at the north and south poles. Historically Mercator is interesting because it is one of the oldest map projections to be used. Christopher Columbus used the Mercator projection in his travels to the new world. This projection is often used in navigation because any straight line is a rhumb line (a line of constant direction). Parallels of latitude and longitude are straight. Features increase in size as the map approaches the poles. Areas and shapes of large areas are distorted. Distortion increases away from the equator and is extreme in polar regions. However, being a conformal projection, angles and shapes within any small area are essentially true.