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Radio antennae , possibly an array, especially if it's a "russian trawler" operating within the International Territory of any country except their own.

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Q: What is a mast on a fishing boat?
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What do stays hold up on a sailing boat?

Stays support the mast on a sailing boat running from the mast forward and aft. Shrouds also support the mast and run from the mast to the sides of the boat.

Where are the two torn picture pieces at the docks on counterfeit island?

One is on top of the mast of the fishing boat. The other is at the lower right along the beach.

What ship has sails the gondola or the yawl?

The ship or boat with sails is the yawl, which will typically have 2 sails, the main mast for the main sail and mizzen mast. A yawl is defined as a boat with the mizzen mast aft of the rudder post. A boat with two masts, a main mast and a mizzen mast with the mizzen mast forward of the rudder post is a ketch.

What holds up a sail on a boat?

A mast. Although it is attached to a mast the thing that holds a sail up is a halyard. a mast is something that pushes the boat with wind and the reason its called a mast is cause it holds the biggest sail, the thing your looking for is something that is on the bottom of the boat and runs vertical on the boat. if that gets ruined the boat is ruined, unrepairable

What is fishing boat?

A boat which is used by the fisherman for fishing

Boat fishing or bank fishing?

Boat fish

A tall pole that supports the sails of a boat?

i think it is mast i think it is mast

What is Charter boat fishing?

when a group of people book a boat for a fishing trip

What pole is in the middle of a sailboat and holds up the sails?

The pole you are referring to is called the mast. If the boat only has one mast it is usually not in the middle of the boat but is normally found in the forward third of the boat.

How should you pass a fishing boat?

You should pass a fishing boat with minimum wake and away from fishing lines.

What is the shorter mast on the boat?

The shorter mast ahead of the main is the foremast. The shorter mast abaft the main is the mizzen mast. On four or more masted boats -- I don't know.

What rhymes with cast that means belonging to a sailboat?
