The mast of a ship was originally a tree. Now they may be made of hollow metal, fiberglass or other synthetic material.
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Fore-mast: the first mast, or the mast fore of the main-mast.Main-mast: the tallest mast, usually located near the center of the ship.Mizzen-mast: the third mast, or the mast immediately aft of the main-mast.(information from wikipedia)
The front mast is called the Foremast. Sometimes it is called the mizzen mast.
The ship's mast stood tall against the clear blue sky.
The main mast is the tallest of all masts on the ship. If all masts are the same height, then the one with the top navigationlight is the main mast. If there is only one mast, then that would be the main mast.
The cast of Mennonite Made - 2014 includes: Andy Mast as Himself - Builder
The shorter mast ahead of the main is the foremast. The shorter mast abaft the main is the mizzen mast. On four or more masted boats -- I don't know.
Well, honey, let me break it down for you. Natural events like droughts, wildfires, and insect infestations can all mess with mast production. On the flip side, man-caused events such as deforestation and pollution can also throw a wrench in the mast availability. So, keep an eye out for those troublemakers if you're counting on a good mast harvest.
Mast Mast Radio
Mast Kalandar was created in 1991.
Günter Mast was born in 1927.
Günter Mast died in 2011.