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It depends on your experience, but certainly nothing less than 32ft in length

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Q: What is a good boat to sail around the world in?
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How long does it take a boat to sail around the world?


What was the name of the first boat to sail around the world?

Ferdinand Magellen's "Victoria".

What did Odysseus have as an idea?

his best idea was that he woul make a boat and sail around the world ;D

What would you do if you circumnavigate the world?

To circumnavigate the world is to sail completely round the world in a boat.

What means to sail around the world?

circumnavigate means to sail around the world.

What is a boat with a sail called?

A sail boat or yacht.

What would you do if you were to circumnavigaate the world?

To circumnavigate the world is to sail completely round the world in boat.

Why does the wind go in the sail of a boat?

Actually, it foils around it, giving 'pull' on the downwind side of the sail.

What is a good example sentence with the word sail in it?

(1) The boat will go sail into the ocean (2) The sail got caught in the wind

Who made the first sail boat?

Sailing has been around since prehistoric times, therefore the name of the person who made the first sail boat is not recorded.

What boat has a sail?

A sail boat Also motorsailers and rafts

Did Christopher Columbus sail by boat?

Yes he did sail by boat