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Lateen Sails

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Q: What enabled the portuguese sailors to sail into and with the wind?
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Which ship allowed the Portuguese explorers to sail against the wind?

The caravels allowed them to sail closer to the wind than their predecessors.

Portuguese ships were able to sail against the wind?

Not directly but closer to the wind than previous vessels.

What is the triangular sail enabled ships to sail into the wind?

is called a stern rudder i looked every word up on my paper and found it

What do sailors believe about the albatross?

Because albatrosses depend on the wind to fly and sailors depend on the wind to sail, the albatross became a good omen to sailors. The albatross features in a poem about what happened to a sailor when he killed an albatross. The poem is called 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'.

What are 2 examples of how people use wind to their advantage?

People built wind mills as a way to provide energy to grind flour. Sailors used wind to sail across the oceans.

What is the something that only moves the upper few hundred meters of salt water and also help sailors to sail more efficiently?


Is it better to sail with squared sails when the wind is opposite you?

You cannot sail with the wind opposite you. If the wind is following you, that is, directly astern, then you sail 'gull winged'.

How does a boat sail against the wind?

To sail against the wind, a boat has to 'tack'. This means that instead of sailing straight into the wind (which would get you nowhere) you sail in a zig-zag in the direction you intend to go. On each tack, the wind is on a different side of the sail.

Did the invention of triangular lateen sails make it possible for ships to sail more easily into the wind?

Allegedly, the lateen sail design made it possible to sail closer into the wind. That is, less than 45 degrees from the direction the wind is blowing. No sail boat can sail directly into the wind. Yet.

What is a three sided sail?

A three sided sail is known as a Lateen sail or also a triangular sail. With a four sided sail one is only able to sail against the wind, but with a Lateen sail it is possible to sail more directly into the wind.

Device that helps ships sail into the wind?

No sailing ship can sail directly into the wind. However by rigging the sails correctly the vessel can be made to sail more closely to the wind.

What invention allowed ships to sail into the wind?

Wut made ships sail in the wind was that using a persicet sail or flag will pick up the wind and will push the air out and sail..just like u swinging on a swing 