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On the Course Side

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Q: What does OCS mean when sailing?
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What is parrell sailing?

Do you mean "Para-sailing" or "Parallel sailing"?

How do you say haha you were in ocs on Friday in Spanish?

Jaja (tu) estabas en ocs el viernes

What are the approximate bond angles for ocs?

The approximate bond angle for OCS is around 178 degrees.

Where is the information on preparing for a Marine OCS?

Marine OCS refer to the American Marine Corp Officer Training School. Information on preparing for a Marine OCS is available from the Marine Corps, or from specialist websites such as Squidoo.

Who was the first to reached India by sailing?

This is what is regarded as an ethnocentric question. Do you mean sailing from Europe? Or do you mean sailing from Africa, or other parts of Asia? This kind of question requires refining - for a meaningful answer to be given.

Does OCS cost money to attend?

No. There is no cost to the service member for any military training. Ocs, is office of childern services

What does daring mean?

'who ist there?' or 'who is this?'

When a seal is sailing what does it mean?

getting married

What does sailing large mean?

You may mean "By and Large" - meaning steering a course as far downwind as possible, keeping the sails full and the boat speed up. The answer above is completely wrong. One cannot sail both by and large at the same time since they mean opposite things. Sailing by the wind (i.e., sailing by) means sailing as close to the wind as possible. In other words, sailing into the wind. Sailing large means sailing before the wind. That is, sailing with the wind blowing from the aft quarter. So it is impossible to sail both by and large at the same time since that would require sailing in two opposite directions at once.

What does velas mean in English?

It can mean "candle", "sail", "sailing".

Are you allowed to use OCs or original characters on

Yes you can. Beware though, some readers don't like too many OCs in a story.

What does navegando mean?

Navegando is Spanish. It means "sailing".