The gangplank is the flat board that temporarily leads from the dock to the side of a ship, used for boarding or disembarking the ship.
In a departmental organization what is a gangplank?
A gangplank is a movable plank used as a ramp to board or disembark from a ship or boat. Another word for gangplank is ramp.
Walk up the gangplank, from the dock to the ship.
A gangplank or gangway.
Tom the cook had come to the end of the gangplank, that narrow board he had often used to come on and go off the ship while docked at the pier, but here in the middle of the ocean there was no turning around with these so-called friends of his poking their swords into his backside.
It is the Brow is going from shore to ship. Gangplank is going from ship to ship.
To board a ship you would go to the ocean or a large body of water. You would use a gangplank or gangway to board the ship.
To board a ship you would go to the ocean or a large body of water. You would use a gangplank or gangway to board the ship.
A gangplank is a board, walkway, ramp or stairs extending from a floating vessel to load or unload people and/or material. Is is still in common usage. It is not an archaic term. Here in the Mediterranean, it is often called a passerelle. Nearly every boat and yacht has at least one. I use ours daily. In the movies and old novels, it was said to be use to send unwanted sailors to their deaths. They "walked the plank" while at sea, with nothing but air and the ocean below at the other end. Perhaps a myth, although clearly, barbaric cruelty was not rare.
A gangplank is a board, walkway, ramp or stairs extending from a floating vessel to load or unload people and/or material. Is is still in common usage. It is not an archaic term. Here in the Mediterranean, it is often called a passerelle. Nearly every boat and yacht has at least one. I use ours daily. In the movies and old novels, it was said to be use to send unwanted sailors to their deaths. They "walked the plank" while at sea, with nothing but air and the ocean below at the other end. Perhaps a myth, although clearly, barbaric cruelty was not rare.
A gangplank is a simple machine used for boarding or disembarking a ship. It is a flat, portable ramp that connects the ship's deck to the shore or another floating object, allowing for safe passage for people and goods. By providing a stable incline, the gangplank helps individuals overcome the height difference between the ship and the dock, making it easier to move between the two surfaces.