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They might literally say almost anything, especially on smaller vessels. First, you need to understand that on a boat, what people on land call ropes are almost never called ropes. They are traditionally called lines in the case of ropes that attach the vessel to land or a pier or dock. Some of the ropes that go up the mast are called halyards. What looks like a rope to you, might be correctly called 'an after guy', or a mainsheet, or a jib sheet, or a topping lift. The list goes on and on. Every single 'rope' has its own name, because it is simpler when giving commands.

For example, you may have a 'bow line' that connects the front of the boat, the bow, to shore. Similarly, a 'stern line' may connect the stern to shore. Generally these limit movement of the vessel away from shore. There are usually 'spring lines' that run parallel to the centerline of the vessel for some distance, to control movement of the vessel forward or back.

Those are the most basic lines. It can get quite complicated. There are breast lines, that have nothing to do with mammary glands, and so on.

Almost every item on a boat or ship has a specific and definitive name, just as almost every person has a name. Otherwise, how do you know exactly what we are talking about? The confusion comes from the fact that the name is usually the same name that is used for something else entirely on land. For example, a fiddle, is a small railing around a table or counter or shelf, to keep things from rolling off when the boat moves. The companionway on a small or medium-sized yacht, would be called stairs on land.

But, back to your original question, the more casual boater might just say, "OK. Untie us." On our 38 foot sailboat, we typically say, "Release the bow line." Or "Release the forward spring." On a ship, they might say, "Cast off the -blank-." Or, "Release the...," or, "Slip the...," Or even, " Away the..." Or "Away all lines." "Clear the..." "Off the springs." "Release the (whatever)."And and so on.

Generally each industry or niche or boating area has its own vocabulary. What is proper conduct in one, may sound ridiculous or unintelligible in another. Often when you hear the command for the first time, in context, you understand what they mean. But, generally you need to hear the local vernacular. You would not guess the correct answer very often. However, you will be more quickly accepted, and more clearly understood, if you learn the local lingo. It is common to be teased about using an unexpected choice of words. Don't let it crush you.

As with anything, there are some small minded people, that think that the way that they are used to doing it is the only way, and the correct way, and that any other way is nonsense. But if you travel to other areas, or even other marine industries in the same general vicinity, or live long enough as I have, you hear all sorts of things. So, if some moron tells you you're saying it wrong. Just pity him, and don't let them hurt your feelings. He doesn't know any better. But, I suggest that you be careful about making things worse, by explaining your opinion of his opinion.

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