Green on the starboard (right hand side standing aft and looking forward) red on the port.
A red light (green is Starboard).Red Port or left looking at the bow
Starboard is the right side of a ship or a boat. all 180 degrees of it.
As you stand on a ship and face the prow, the left hand side is called Port and the right hand side is called Starboard.
Starboard is the right side of a ship or aircraft when one is facing forward.
Starboard is to the right while facing forward with green lights on that side.Ship's captains sometimes display their sense of humor by having a sign on their desk that says, "Port is Left". If not sure, RED, PORT, LEFT few letters. GREEN, STARBOARD, RIGHT, more letters. All names only applied when facing bow from aft.
The dolphins were spotted off the starboard side of the ship.
The opposite of starboard (right side) is port (left side).
"Starboard" is the right-hand side of a ship or aircraft as one faces forward. The opposite side is called "port".
Starboard compartments in standard ship numbering schemes are even numbers.