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The Santa Maria.

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Q: What boat was Christopher Columbus on when he reached America?
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one of Christopher Columbus's boat that came to America

Where was Christopher Columbus's boat made?

Christopher Columbus's boat was made in Belgium

What transportation did Christopher Columbus use to go on the land of America?

he went by boat

How did Christopher Columbus get to the land?

by boat

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What is the contrast between Christopher Columbus and Thomas Jefferson?

Christopher Columbus sailed a boat and Thomas Jefferson wrote on a piece of paper. The boat that Columbus sailed on sailed

Did Christopher Columbus sail by boat?

Yes he did sail by boat

Did the pilgrams sailed to America in boat called the Nina?

no. Christopher Columbus' expedition had the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

Did Christopher Columbus have a second boat?

yes christopher Columbus acually had three boats they were Santa Maria, Pinta,and Niña.

What king of vehicles did Christopher Columbus have?

Christopher Columbus didn't usually drive a vehicle, he road in a nao(boat) called The Santa Maria...

When did the Christopher Columbus expedition happen?

in 1999,on a boat around the world

Who went all the way around the world in a boat?

christopher Columbus