"Pirate ships" nominally had three: the foremast, mainmast, mizzenmast.
A ship's rigging refers to the ladder-like rope that is attached from the Masts down to the outside edges of the deck.
the queen anne revenge(blackbeards ship)
i know four names: Cambria, Maranda, Amelia and Edina
It was a steam ship, so no masts for sails.
the oldest pirate ship is from 2010
The word "masts" is a noun. It refers to the upright spars on a ship that support the sails.
the pirate ship was bigger than a tuba
the pirate is near the pirate ship the ship is one of the ships on the map
A ketch is a sailing ship with two masts.
According to Pirate's Hold, the Helmsman steers the ship.