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Q: What are Iberian sailing inventions from the age of exploration?
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Name two sailing inventions that made the age of exploration possible?

The two sailing inventions that made the Age of Exploration possible were Caravel, and the Galleon.

How did new inventions impact the age of exploration?

It didnt impact the age of exploration

Two Inventions that aided the age of exploration?

CompassSextantNavigator's clock

What were the goals of the European nations that started sailing out into the world during the age of exploration?

Exploration and commerce to create wealth

The Portuguese explorers began the age sailing down and around the coast of which continent?

The Portuguese explorers began the Age of Exploration by sailing down and around the coast of Africa. This exploration ultimately led to the discovery of new trade routes to Asia.

What technological invention made the Age of Exploration possible?

Techonlogical inventions which made the Age of Exploration possible included a sextant, which sailors used to navigate by the stars, and a compass.

Who started the portuguese sailing school?

Prince Henry the Navigator is credited with starting the Portuguese sailing school in the 15th century. He was a key figure in the early days of the Age of Exploration, promoting maritime exploration and navigation.

What new inventions during the Age of Exploration allowed ships to sail faster and to know where they were going?

sails and compasses

Why did European countries began to gain wealth?

They did because of the Age Of Exploration which was a time when the countries began sailing to find gold silks and spices.

Why were large numbers of sailors required in the age of exploration?

Because the ships were powered by the wind and thus needed a large crew to manage the sailing processes.

What were some major inventions that helped make colonization easier?

Some major inventions that helped make colonization easier include the compass for navigation, gunpowder for defense, ships like galleons for transportation, and agricultural tools for farming in new territories. These inventions played a crucial role in facilitating exploration, conquest, and settlement of new lands during the Age of Exploration.

During the age of exploration numerouus invention were created to assist the ships in reaching their destanation who was a key figure behind these inventions?

Prince Henry the navigator