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Halyards, ropes and stays

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Q: The ropes and chains that support and control the sails?
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What are the ropes and chains that support and control the sails?


The ropes and chains that support and control the sails of a boat?

Stays, lines, ropes and halyards.

Why are ropes on yachts called sheets?

No , the sails are called the sheets. Wrong - the sails are called SAILS. The control lines to the sails are sheets.

Why are yacht ropes called sheets?

No , the sails are called the sheets. Wrong - the sails are called SAILS. The control lines to the sails are sheets.

What is the purpose of ropes and sails?

to hold up the sails, and to help steer the ship. its called rigging, by the way...

What are the ropes that support and control the sails of a ship called?

The "ropes" that raise or lower the sails are called HALYARDS and the "ropes" that control the sails are called SHEETS. Halyards are the lines (ropes) that raise sails. Downhauls lower them (note that they are not always included as gravity does usually help out, though they are sometimes necessary). Sheets are used to pull the bottom corner of a sail aft (or towards the "stern" or back of the ship). Tacks pull them forward (ie towards the "bow" or front of the ship). Square sails also have lines that are used to douse (square sails are often "lowered" by pulling them up, and set by letting them fall down as they are attached on the top edge by a long horizontal spar called a yard) or to reef them (decreasing the sail area in cases of heavier wind) These are the buntlines, clewlines, reeflines, and reefing points. The yards that hold square sails up also need to be able to turn, and lines attached at their ends called braces pull either the port or starboard (left or right) end of the yard aft. There are, of course, many more however these are probably the most important.

On a yacht wHat is a sheet?

On sailing vessels ropes are called sheets. The rope that is used to control the main sail, for example, is known as the main sheet. Ropes that control the jib sail are known as jib sheets, etc. The expression "three sheets to the wind" to describe someone who is inebriated, comes from the fact that if three of the ropes that control sails were loose and "to the wind" the vessel would be out of control.

How people exercise on the middle passage?

They didn’t. Sailors had a ship to sail which was hard work with big ropes and sails. The slaves were in chains below and not allowed on deck. When one of them died they threw them overboard.

How do you control the ropes that control the sails otherwise known as sheets on a sail yacht?

On a typical sloop etc the headsails are controlled by winches,one to port and one to starboard. The mainsail is usually controlled by a rope block system attached to the boom

What is a sailing block?

Blocks are like pulleys. When under sail, blocks are used to control the lines (ropes attached to sails, the mast, etc). One of the most common uses of blocks are to control the main sheet, jib sheet or spinnaker sheet.

What all the ropes above the deck called?

On a ship, the entire assembly including masts, yardarms, sails and ropes are collectively referred to as rigging. The ropes themselves are usually called cordage or lines.

What are Ropes called holding up the sails on a boat - 7 letters?

Your crossword puzzle answer is halyard, a shortened word for "haul yard".